Photo ID # | G01.10.10_LET_TER_ERS_2009F_1 |
Car #: | #NA |
Driver (s) : | Scribbler's: Rich Dombey (Rich Signs), Jay Dugan (Radical Designs), Scott Kania (Scotties Lettering), Dennis Smith (Smith Lettering) and Bob Cosgrove (Cos Signs) |
Location: | not sure.... |
Date: | 2009 |
Photographer: | "An attractive waitress!" |
Photo provided by: | Dennis Smith (Dennis says that at this point in the photograph that everyone was all mostly sober...) |
Comments: |
There's hundreds and hundreds of racecars that if I mentioned anyone
of them... you could picture them in your mind... You'd picture the
body style... you'd picture the color... and you'd picture the way the car
was lettered... the way the # was painted... Well, what makes this photo so interesting, is seated at this one table are those who came up with the vision... the design and whether they used paint and a brush, or a keyboard and vinyl, they continue to use the canvas of a racecar body, and with just the right combination of color and flow... they use their talent to create what I think we'd all agree are beautiful works of art... Cars that we will always find a way to make room in our brains to store the image, the memory of exactly how each one looked, whether it was the tilt of the #... or the color of the stripe... or maybe even the way our favorite driver's name was written above the window opening... By the way, all 5 of our featured "Scribblers" are available to create "new" works of art, and sometimes even "recreate" works of art by lettering cars of today and recreations of cars of yesterday. Here's their contact info: Rich Dombey (Rich Signs) Jay Dugan (Radical Design) Scott Kania (Scotties Lettering) 610 - 438 - 3262 Dennis Smith (Smith Lettering) Bob "Cos" Cosgrove (All Signs by Cos) For a more related info, visit our "Scribbler's Section" |
Visitor's Comments |
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Date: | Visitor's Name: | Comment: |
03.07.10 | Anthony Ferraiuolo IV | While I don't know everyone in the picture I know there are
a few of them who really left their mark in our sport. The one that I have
had the pleasure of knowing is Dennis Smith. He has not only lettered most
of the 73's since the 70's he has also lettered a lot of trucks and
machinery in our excavating co. He has always been a pro when it came to the biz of lettering. I can remember more then one time when we were still completing a car before Syracuse and Dennis was lettering it at the same time. Never complained about anything. To this day when my father buys a new piece for the business the first phone number he looks for is Dennis's. Anthony Ferraiuolo IV |
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