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Here's a few more pictures from Vault Visitor and frequent contributor Jim Brewer.  Take a look at Jim's model of the Sedan that Johnny Robert's drove in 1963.


*Note from Jim Brewer:  In memory of the old days I have sent along four pics of a new model I completed recently. Part of my decision to send them to you stems from Larry Jendras' suggestion that I do so. Larry helped me out with photos of this car and the humpback sedan that Johnny drove for Tiny Slayton during his national championship years. The model is of Johnny's own #7 which he drove in 1963. It is based on photos of the car from Hagerstown and Langhorne - - my model is of the Hagerstown version since it has injectors - - which of course were not legal at Langhorne.

I ran into Larry at the EMMR Convention at Latimore Valley in August. I had the partially completed model with me and Larry really liked it. So when I shot him a couple of pics recently when I finished it up and he suggested that I pass them along to you. So here they are - - hope you like them. I have the body for the Slayton humpback and plan to have that one ready for next year's Convention.

Note from 3-Wide:  Looks Great Jim.  Check out the injectors!  I know that Johnny was a fbig avorite of many of the Vault Faithful from the Delaware, Maryland areas, and I'm sure this model brings back the memories - Thanks Jim

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