Mel's Photos...

Photographer Mel Stettler/Photo provided to The Vault by Mel Stettler.

Photo ID # Q04.22.20_JOE_CHI_NAZ_0085_MEL
Car #: #NA
Driver (s) : Joey Chitwood Thrill Show drivers
Location: Nazareth
Date: 1985
Photographer: Mel Stettler
Photo provided by: Mel Stettler

Comment for above photo:  Sometimes there was more to the show than the races.  Here's a Chevette looking like it's coming in for a 4 point landing as part of the Joey Chitwood Thrill Show at Nazareth in this 1985 photo from Mel Stettler.

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04.22.20 Doug Higgins

I remember Joey Chitwood at Flemington in the 60s I was a kid back then I'll never forget watching him going around the track on two wheels it was something I'll never forget. 

04.23.20 John Hanna

Seen Them several times ,only once at Nazareth if I recall , at Flemington several times as well as The Jack Kochman shows  great shows

04.23.20 Gene Steele

Notice on the cab of the tractor a Cooper Tire decal. I worked for B.F. Goodrich in Tampa in '70-'71, and we supplied tires (lots of them) to Chitwood as sponsors. And it was through these Tampa contacts that led me to the modifieds.

