Through the Fence...

From our friend, George Koyt

Photo ID # L12.01.15_076_CHA_SYR_0774KOYT_1
Car #: #76
Driver (s) : Gerald Chamberlain
Location: Syracuse
Date: 1974
Photographer: George Koyt
Photo provided by: George Koyt

Comment:  The Pinto never got as much love as the Falcon, but looking at it now, it's a pretty cool ride!  Looking at Gerald with the helmet with the bubble shield, it reminds me of a story that Ray Neary told me...  He was running on the big track at Nazareth at high speed, and he hears a car coming by on the outside... as he turned to look the wind caught his bubble shield and ripped it right off the helmet, leaving him with a face full of dirt and dust as Frankie Schneider went motoring on by!  Hopefully Gerald kept his head pointed straight  ahead and the bubble shield in place going down the straight's at Syracuse.

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