"Forever Young"
Nazareth Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # L10.30.15_071__00_NAZ_0073RY_3
Car #: #71, #51, #00, #43, #24
Driver (s) : Not sure...(Carl Van Horn?), Wayne Young, Buzzie Reutimann, not sure (looks like the Horton Sr owned #43 that was driven by Sammy Beavers, Bob Pickell and Stan Ploski at some point, but it doesn't look like any of them in there..., Don Miller.
Location: Nazareth Speedway - Nazareth PA
Date: 1973
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young
Comments: Comment:  ....Looking at this one sure makes us old fans miss the variety of body styles that was modified stock car racing in the 70's.
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10.31.15 John McCaughey I think this shot could be a year sooner (1972?). Van Horn was in the 2A at this point and that sure looks like Beavers in the 43. Maybe someone bought the 71 because that sure doesn't look like Van Horn.
10.31.15 AF IV

I agree with John. Probably more like 1972. The 71 leading the pack in my opinion is Rags Carter.

10.31.15 3-Wide That makes more sense...  Question:  Do you guys agree that the 4th car in line is the Horton Sr owned #43?  If so, did that car run in both '72 & '73?  At some point it had a similarly colored Mustang body on it which I'm thinking might have been later, also with Sammy Beavers behind the wheel.
10.31.15 Jack Kromer

AF IV is correct. That is Rags Carter in the yellow #71 in 1972. I think he only ran it one time, but I could be wrong on that. 

I have Wayne Young in the car in this picture in 1973. In 1972 I have a shot of him in his coupe. So…I’m not real sure of the year now, as stated in my first response that this was 1972. What I don’t know is… if anyone else ran that yellow #71 after Rags did one time in 1972. The rest of the cars certainly could have been around in 1972 or 73. I could always be wrong.

I do have a picture of Mike Grbac in that Horton 43 Gremlin, but that was from 1973…not 1972. 

10.31.15 3-Wide I remember Mike in the black #43 Coupe but didn't remember him driving the beige and maroon Gremlin.  Jim Horton Sr had a lot of driver take a turn behind the wheel over the years!
