"Forever Young"
Nazareth Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # L10.30.15_024_002_NAZ_0073RY_1
Car #: #24, #2, #10 #56
Driver (s) : Stan Ploski, Frankie Schneider, Rich Eurich, Bob Rossell
Location: Nazareth Speedway - Nazareth PA
Date: 1973
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young
Comments: Comment:  Stan on the inside in one of the Floyd Trevis built coupes owned by Ken Brenn Sr, with Frankie looking strong on the outside....
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10.31.15 John McCaughey Because Schneider was running the sedan as well, Grbac could've been in the #2 coupe (which incidentally is the car that later became the 125 that Earl Elzer drove). I remember all this because we parked next  to them at the top of the hill in the old pit area. I also remember (and this could be the same day) them taking the engine out of the coupe and putting it in the sedan after the one in the sedan blew up.
02.10.18 Frankie III

That's Frankie in the " Hop Toad " As we called that car.

