"Forever Young"
Flemington Speedway

Rich Young Photos

Original image from the lens of photographer Rich Young.

Photo ID # L10.14.15_CL2_ROC_FLM_0075RY_1
Car #: #C&L22
Driver (s) : Chip Slocum? Sandy Rochelle? Other?....  (I remember Chip driving the Gremlin and Paul driving the Pinto, so I'm not sure who this is in this photo... I can't remember what year Chip started racing, so if it was after 1975, then that would eliminate Chip.... The size of the headers look like a small block..... so I'm thinking that this might be a sportsman car, but not sure.  Also, I remember Sandy Rochelle usually wore a 3/4 helmet and bandana, so that might rule him out too... Let me know what you guys think - Thanks.)
Location: Flemington Fair Speedway - Flemington, NJ
Date: 1975
Photographer: Rich Young
Photo provided by: Rich Young
Comments: Comment:  Great photo showing how they used to turn the square into a circle....
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10.15.15 Rick Shive Not Slocum, he started in '77. Never drove the Pinto. Possibly Tommy McConnell.
10.15.15 3Wide

Rick – Did he also drive the #22T that Pauch drove on a few occasions?  It was a little white car.

10.15.15 Rick Shive

Yes. Also a guy named Dallas Dennis drove it, always thought that was an alias.

