b11.26.05_777_YER_DOR_0060D_3.jpg (83953 bytes)

Photo ID # b11.26.05_777_YER_DOR_0060D_3
Car #: #777
Driver (s) : Johnny Peepers Yerger
Location: Dorney Park
Date: 1960's
Photographer: Tom Hofacker
Photo provided by: Tom Hofacker
Comments: Comment provided by Tom: Johnny Peepers Yerger who was a regular at Dorney Park from the early 60's through the mid 70's. He also ran occasionally at Grandview, Evergreen, and Mahoning Valley.  My Dad was the mechanic for Johnny "Peepers" Yerger all through the 60's and early 70's. 

This coupe had what my dad called a "diaper".  Seems the old 312 Merc had an oil leak, so to prevent a black flag, he installed a piece of canvas under the motor to catch the oil. They ran the car like that the rest of the season. After that all the cars had them on.

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